Clip DescriptionOfficer Chloe is standing guard talking on the phone with her superiors, she is about to give the all clear sign when suddenly she is jumped from behind by our villainesses, she is put in a sleeper hold, she struggles hard and the only way of silencing her is by snapping her neck!! After the cracking sound she instantly goes quiet and limp, her hat falls of and she is slowly lowered down in
a sitting position on the floor. The villainess whispers in her ear that she is going to love being her new doll.
She shakes the body wildly as if to taunt the dead policewoman’s inapacity to react. She pinches her cheek and then kisses it, she plays with her mouth making her lifeless lips smile, she also opens it and checks to see her teeth. She does eye checks on both eyes, tilts the head backwards and forwards and from side to side. Then she plays with her hair in a sexy manner puts her arm around
her, gropes one of her breasts and takes a selfie with her.
She continues touching her breasts trough the uniform and then moves to the legs, she uncrosses them, feels them up to the tip of the heels, squeezes her inner thighs, as she slightly pulls up her skirt from the front, the she starts "practicing kicks" by making the legs go up and down, one by one, and then both at the same time.
She finishes the leg display by opening them wide and getting and open leg upskirt panty shot.
The dead officer’s upper body leans forward as if she were protesting the disrespect
After that she grabs both her legs and drags her out of the couch to the floor. First she’s on her back dragged by the legs. Then she gets flipped over on her stomach with her arms extended upwards and the dragging continues, the camera focusing on her ass until the villainess stops the dragging and decides to grope it for a protracted amount of time, while also bending her legs and removing her shoes.
Once the groping and leg worship is done she places the body on its side and lets the camera have a nice close-up of the ass with pulled up skirt and visible thong while also shaking it a bit.
Back on the couch, she now initiates the stripping; she removes her shirt and bra, caresses her naked breasts and firm
gut; She unbuckles her belt and then turns her around and places her front against the couch. She smacks her ass still covered in the short skirt; she decides to pull it up so she can remove her thong followed by the skirt itself which are left dangling on her ankles as she leaves!
Starring: Altsiren and Chloe Toy
Keywords: necksnap, stripping, face_play, handling, inspection
733 MB
Clip Duration: 17 minutes |
Format | Size | avi | 733.23 MB |
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