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  • Belt Self Strangle
  • Lethal Injection
  • Dead Cop Chloe Toy
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  • Carmel Failed
  • Caroline Pierce
  • Catsiren Abuses
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    Clip Description

    Officer Chloe is standing guard talking on the phone with her superiors, she is about to give the all clear sign when suddenly she is jumped from behind by our villainesses, she is put in a sleeper hold, she struggles hard and the only way of silencing her is by snapping her neck!! After the cracking sound she instantly goes quiet and limp, her hat falls of and she is slowly lowered down in
    a sitting position on the floor. The villainess whispers in her ear that she is going to love being her new doll.

    She shakes the body wildly as if to taunt the dead policewoman’s inapacity to react. She pinches her cheek and then kisses it, she plays with her mouth making her lifeless lips smile, she also opens it and checks to see her teeth. She does eye checks on both eyes, tilts the head backwards and forwards and from side to side. Then she plays with her hair in a sexy manner puts her arm around
    her, gropes one of her breasts and takes a selfie with her.

    She continues touching her breasts trough the uniform and then moves to the legs, she uncrosses them, feels them up to the tip of the heels, squeezes her inner thighs, as she slightly pulls up her skirt from the front, the she starts "practicing kicks" by making the legs go up and down, one by one, and then both at the same time.

    She finishes the leg display by opening them wide and getting and open leg upskirt panty shot.
    The dead officer’s upper body leans forward as if she were protesting the disrespect

    After that she grabs both her legs and drags her out of the couch to the floor. First she’s on her back dragged by the legs. Then she gets flipped over on her stomach with her arms extended upwards and the dragging continues, the camera focusing on her ass until the villainess stops the dragging and decides to grope it for a protracted amount of time, while also bending her legs and removing her shoes.

    Once the groping and leg worship is done she places the body on its side and lets the camera have a nice close-up of the ass with pulled up skirt and visible thong while also shaking it a bit.
    Back on the couch, she now initiates the stripping; she removes her shirt and bra, caresses her naked breasts and firm
    gut; She unbuckles her belt and then turns her around and places her front against the couch. She smacks her ass still covered in the short skirt; she decides to pull it up so she can remove her thong followed by the skirt itself which are left dangling on her ankles as she leaves!

    Starring: Altsiren and Chloe Toy
    Keywords: necksnap, stripping, face_play, handling, inspection
    733 MB

    Clip Duration:      17 minutes
    Format Size
    avi733.23 MB

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In the end she stands up and want to go, but at that point he apologizes and offers her a different treatment: an injection in the sore area, which will relax the tensions and bring some pain relief. She accepts as this doesn't involve any further touching from him, so she lies back on the bed and gets the injection. Pretty soon she starts to feel strange, very bad, but the guy doesn't help her, as he's just waiting for the deadly poison to take its full effect. In fact, in a matter of seconds Lexy's dead body lies face down on the massage bed, available for him to do what he wants.
he starts to grope her and put his hands wherever he wants, enjoying the lack of response and complaints from her now. He takes his dick out and puts it in her hand, once again making fun of the lack of complaints. The he jumps on the bed over her and starts fucking the body soundly, from behind. This goes on for some time, then he jumps out and also fucks her mouth for a bit, before going back to her pussy and cumming inside her.
The fussy customer got what she deserved...

Starring: Lexy, 
Keywords: Handling, Limp play, Oral, Poison, Sex


Please note that this is a low budget video; no great acting nor great editing - Therefore the low price for two naked beauties like these!

This is a set of scenes, each one containing a short fight between Ammalia and clone Chloe Toy, who passes out most of the times and gets terminated by necksnap.

    MATURE STRANGLE SCAM - Great acting!

Montse is a business lady come to London. She is head of world bank. After work, she is in search of special sexual pleasure. She goes to special place where she can do breath play.  She wants them to film her so she can masturabate in the hotel to it later.
They (you) take her to a special room with a couch (or could be bed if it is better for you). She takes off her top, bra, skirt, panties and shoes and stockings. Naked. Neatly putting the clothes to the side. She then takes the belt and pays back........she starts to play with her body, tits and pussy while wrapping the belt around her neck and pulling......we do a belt strangle routine...........she cums just as she passes out.............we have some pans of the out cold Montse.
She wakes and is happy. She takes the stockings from the neat pile of clothes, put them on. Then when she picks up her bra, before she can put it on.....a hit man has been sent to strangle her........comes up from behind the couch with a black stocking and strangles her.......for real.........as good a strangle routine as you can do. She finally dies.......on the couch. Mouth / eyes open death stare, legs open, paying on back on couch
Good camera pans as I like them.
I loved the death stare Montse did for us before,....with her dark eyes, dark eye liner, dark hair, tongue out, black stocking around the neck.....(some pics attached. Something like this).

Starring: Montse
Keywords: strangling, mature, masturbation, orgasm, reality_pov
204 MB

    QUICKIE STRANGLING ALTSIREN CHLOE - AltSiren is secretly into her housemate Chloe Toy. One day she tells her, and surprisingly Chloe Toy accepts: they start kissing and touching each other on the couch, in a mild but very sensual girl/girl action.
Then, unexpectedly, Chloe Toy grabs a stocking and strangles AltSiren to death from behind. It is a very quick struggle, and AltSiren is finally dead in the arms of her new lover.

Starring: Altsiren and Chloy Toy
Keywords: strangling, lesbian, pantyhose, reality_pov


This series is made of a set of customs having the same storyline.
All the episodes start with a POV tease and stripping with emphasis on high heels and nylons. The scene then evolves into a long solo masturbation ending in orgasm. After that, Caroline Pierce appears in the dark as a hitwoman and shoot the girl in the forehead point blank. The clip ends with pans on the dead body with a nice hole in the forehead.

Starring: Chloe Toy and Caroline Pierce
Keywords: Headshot, reality_pov, shooting


Run Time: 16:31 minutes

File Size: 554 MB
Category: shooting

    HEADSHOT TESTS - This is a small collection of archive material: 4 models separately, 4 extra short scenes for testing purposes, made by Kings Cross when he started experimenting the headshot effect he later mastered in many of our videos.
The first 3 scenes are spectacular but really short (a few seconds each); the last one featuring Niki is longer and has a very hot buildup; the headshot is great too, but the scene is unfinished and instead of the bullet wound a tracking dot appears. Still an epic scene anyway.

Run Time: 1:48 minutes
File Size: 51 MB 	Format: .AVI
Category: Shooting

    JANE SNIPERED HITWOMAN - she is a hit woman and kills her victim......shot POV......she sneaks up on the victim gun drawn....she acts sexy.........pulling open her top to showing tits,,,,,,,,,teasing/ mesmerizing................but then the first shot puts him down and the camera falls to floor levels...then we see her walk up and do a long tease routine with legs, heels, upskirt looking down on victim...POV from eyes of vistim looking up, until she takes the gum and shots final round down and it goes black.

Then we have a shot with her standing........gun in one hand, phone in another hand, talking .....she is in a power pose......standing legs apart.....her top is still open to show her tits...........as she talks we have camera pans....she is smiling.........she tells the person on the phone she has killed the target (Mick or Obren) ..........and she's moving to the next hit..........then we see the cross hairs...........we hear a bang..........we don't see an impact.....camera goes to her face.......she stops talking and looks down (then camera pans between her tits) to see the first between her breasts.......she freezes, drops the phone and gun and slowly goes to her knees.......like slow motion..........we see the cross hairs again.....aiming at her head......we have headshot and she falls back dead.........

Camera pans...eyes open death stare,.....

Starring: Jane
Keywords: assassin, headshot, reality_pov, shooting


Prisoner Ammalia is sitting on a chair, gagged, her arms tied behind her back; officer Fiona enters the empty room, annoyed and upset by the fact that she's been ordered to watch the prisoner for the night, and this means she will hardly be able to sleep. She talks to Ammalia, taunts her, protests about the situation.
After some time arguing she tries to relax, sitting on the floor and resting against the uncomfortable wall... Actually, after some time, the officer manages to fall asleep! And, at the same time, Ammalia manages to break free!
Silent like a cat, Ammalia sneaks by the sleeping officer and grabs her blonde head: she barely has the time to wake up and scream that her neck is snapped and she is instantly dead and limp.
Now Ammalia needs to escape: she needs the dead officer's uniform, to be able to confuse the guards and get out of there; so she starts stripping the limp body, taking the uniform off, and putting it on herself... Until the proud officer lays dead in her underwear, and Ammalia is now the new officer, ready to escape before Fiona's body gets found.

Run Time: 13:55 minutes
File Size: 415 MB 	Format: .WMV
Category: Limp/Necro

Please note that this is a low budget video; no great acting nor great editing - Therefore the low price for two naked beauties like these!

Continued from Part 1, this is a further set of scenes, each one containing a short fight between Ammalia and clone Chloe Toy, who passes out most of the times and gets terminated by necksnap.

Only one scene doesn't feature death, and is more about clone domination followed by Chloe Toy being hogtied with tape bondage


This is a quick set of two scenes:
1) Altsiren gets a call: she has to kill Chloe Toy and recover a memory card off her body. So she assaults her when Chloe Toy lays relaxed on her bed, interrogates her, and after a quick struggle snaps her neck and gets the memory card
2) Chloe Toy's twin is informed about what happened and has to go killing AltSiren to recover the memory card: same scenes but swapped roles.

It is a small low budget clip but full of action and starring two hotties!

Starring: Altsiren and Chloe Toy

Run Time: 08:26
379 MB

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